Converse converse.js

Source: headless/plugins/disco/api.js

import isObject from "lodash-es/isObject";
import log from "@converse/headless/log.js";
import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core.js";
import { getOpenPromise } from '@converse/openpromise';

const { Strophe, $iq } = converse.env;

export default {
     * The XEP-0030 service discovery API
     * This API lets you discover information about entities on the
     * XMPP network.
     * @namespace api.disco
     * @memberOf api
    disco: {
         * @namespace
         * @memberOf api.disco
        stream: {
             * @method
             * @param { String } name The feature name
             * @param { String } xmlns The XML namespace
             * @example'ver', 'urn:xmpp:features:rosterver')
            async getFeature (name, xmlns) {
                await api.waitUntil('streamFeaturesAdded');
                if (!name || !xmlns) {
                    throw new Error("name and xmlns need to be provided when calling");
                if (_converse.stream_features === undefined && !api.connection.connected()) {
                    // Happens during tests when disco lookups happen asynchronously after teardown.
                    const msg = `Tried to get feature ${name} ${xmlns} but _converse.stream_features has been torn down`;
                return _converse.stream_features.findWhere({'name': name, 'xmlns': xmlns});

         * @namespace api.disco.own
         * @memberOf api.disco
        own: {
             * @namespace api.disco.own.identities
             * @memberOf api.disco.own
            identities: {
                 * Lets you add new identities for this client (i.e. instance of Converse)
                 * @method api.disco.own.identities.add
                 * @param { String } category - server, client, gateway, directory, etc.
                 * @param { String } type - phone, pc, web, etc.
                 * @param { String } name - "Converse"
                 * @param { String } lang - en, el, de, etc.
                 * @example _converse.api.disco.own.identities.clear();
                add (category, type, name, lang) {
                    for (var i=0; i<_converse.disco._identities.length; i++) {
                        if (_converse.disco._identities[i].category == category &&
                            _converse.disco._identities[i].type == type &&
                            _converse.disco._identities[i].name == name &&
                            _converse.disco._identities[i].lang == lang) {
                            return false;
                    _converse.disco._identities.push({category: category, type: type, name: name, lang: lang});
                 * Clears all previously registered identities.
                 * @method api.disco.own.identities.clear
                 * @example _converse.api.disco.own.identities.clear();
                clear () {
                    _converse.disco._identities = []
                 * Returns all of the identities registered for this client
                 * (i.e. instance of Converse).
                 * @method api.disco.identities.get
                 * @example const identities = api.disco.own.identities.get();
                get () {
                    return _converse.disco._identities;

             * @namespace api.disco.own.features
             * @memberOf api.disco.own
            features: {
                 * Lets you register new disco features for this client (i.e. instance of Converse)
                 * @method api.disco.own.features.add
                 * @param { String } name - e.g.
                 * @example _converse.api.disco.own.features.add("");
                add (name) {
                    for (var i=0; i<_converse.disco._features.length; i++) {
                        if (_converse.disco._features[i] == name) { return false; }
                 * Clears all previously registered features.
                 * @method api.disco.own.features.clear
                 * @example _converse.api.disco.own.features.clear();
                clear () {
                    _converse.disco._features = []
                 * Returns all of the features registered for this client (i.e. instance of Converse).
                 * @method api.disco.own.features.get
                 * @example const features = api.disco.own.features.get();
                get () {
                    return _converse.disco._features;

         * Query for information about an XMPP entity
         * @method
         * @param { string } jid The Jabber ID of the entity to query
         * @param { string } [node] A specific node identifier associated with the JID
         * @returns {promise} Promise which resolves once we have a result from the server.
        info (jid, node) {
            const attrs = {xmlns: Strophe.NS.DISCO_INFO};
            if (node) {
                attrs.node = node;
            const info = $iq({
                'from': _converse.connection.jid,
            }).c('query', attrs);
            return api.sendIQ(info);

         * Query for items associated with an XMPP entity
         * @method api.disco.items
         * @param { string } jid The Jabber ID of the entity to query for items
         * @param { string } [node] A specific node identifier associated with the JID
         * @returns {promise} Promise which resolves once we have a result from the server.
        items (jid, node) {
            const attrs = {'xmlns': Strophe.NS.DISCO_ITEMS};
            if (node) {
                attrs.node = node;
            return api.sendIQ(
                    'from': _converse.connection.jid,
                }).c('query', attrs)

         * Namespace for methods associated with disco entities
         * @namespace api.disco.entities
         * @memberOf api.disco
        entities: {
             * Get the corresponding `DiscoEntity` instance.
             * @method api.disco.entities.get
             * @param { string } jid The Jabber ID of the entity
             * @param { boolean } [create] Whether the entity should be created if it doesn't exist.
             * @example _converse.api.disco.entities.get(jid);
            async get (jid, create=false) {
                await api.waitUntil('discoInitialized');
                if (!jid) {
                    return _converse.disco_entities;
                if (_converse.disco_entities === undefined) {
                    // Happens during tests when disco lookups happen asynchronously after teardown.
                    log.warn(`Tried to look up entity ${jid} but _converse.disco_entities has been torn down`);
                const entity = _converse.disco_entities.get(jid);
                if (entity || !create) {
                    return entity;
                return api.disco.entities.create({ jid });

             * Return any disco items advertised on this entity
             * @method api.disco.entities.items
             * @param { string } jid The Jabber ID of the entity for which we want to fetch items
             * @example api.disco.entities.items(jid);
            items (jid) {
                return _converse.disco_entities.filter(e => e.get('parent_jids')?.includes(jid));

             * Create a new  disco entity. It's identity and features
             * will automatically be fetched from cache or from the
             * XMPP server.
             * Fetching from cache can be disabled by passing in
             * `ignore_cache: true` in the options parameter.
             * @method api.disco.entities.create
             * @param { object } data
             * @param { string } data.jid - The Jabber ID of the entity
             * @param { string } data.parent_jid - The Jabber ID of the parent entity
             * @param { string }
             * @param { object } [options] - Additional options
             * @param { boolean } [options.ignore_cache]
             *     If true, fetch all features from the XMPP server instead of restoring them from cache
             * @example _converse.api.disco.entities.create({ jid }, {'ignore_cache': true});
            create (data, options) {
                return _converse.disco_entities.create(data, options);

         * @namespace api.disco.features
         * @memberOf api.disco
        features: {
             * Return a given feature of a disco entity
             * @method api.disco.features.get
             * @param { string } feature The feature that might be
             *     supported. In the XML stanza, this is the `var`
             *     attribute of the `<feature>` element. For
             *     example: ``
             * @param { string } jid The JID of the entity
             *     (and its associated items) which should be queried
             * @returns {promise} A promise which resolves with a list containing
             *     _converse.Entity instances representing the entity
             *     itself or those items associated with the entity if
             *     they support the given feature.
             * @example
             * api.disco.features.get(Strophe.NS.MAM, _converse.bare_jid);
            async get (feature, jid) {
                if (!jid) throw new TypeError('You need to provide an entity JID');

                const entity = await api.disco.entities.get(jid, true);

                if (_converse.disco_entities === undefined && !api.connection.connected()) {
                    // Happens during tests when disco lookups happen asynchronously after teardown.
                    log.warn(`Tried to get feature ${feature} for ${jid} but _converse.disco_entities has been torn down`);
                    return [];

                const promises = [
                    ...api.disco.entities.items(jid).map(i => i.getFeature(feature))
                const result = await Promise.all(promises);
                return result.filter(isObject);

             * Returns true if an entity with the given JID, or if one of its
             * associated items, supports a given feature.
             * @method api.disco.features.has
             * @param { string } feature The feature that might be
             *     supported. In the XML stanza, this is the `var`
             *     attribute of the `<feature>` element. For
             *     example: ``
             * @param { string } jid The JID of the entity
             *     (and its associated items) which should be queried
             * @returns {Promise} A promise which resolves with a boolean
             * @example
             *      api.disco.features.has(Strophe.NS.MAM, _converse.bare_jid);
            async has (feature, jid) {
                if (!jid) throw new TypeError('You need to provide an entity JID');

                const entity = await api.disco.entities.get(jid, true);

                if (_converse.disco_entities === undefined && !api.connection.connected()) {
                    // Happens during tests when disco lookups happen asynchronously after teardown.
                    log.warn(`Tried to check if ${jid} supports feature ${feature}`);
                    return false;

                if (await entity.getFeature(feature)) {
                    return true;

                const result = await Promise.all(api.disco.entities.items(jid).map(i => i.getFeature(feature)));

         * Used to determine whether an entity supports a given feature.
         * @method api.disco.supports
         * @param { string } feature The feature that might be
         *     supported. In the XML stanza, this is the `var`
         *     attribute of the `<feature>` element. For
         *     example: ``
         * @param { string } jid The JID of the entity
         *     (and its associated items) which should be queried
         * @returns {promise} A promise which resolves with `true` or `false`.
         * @example
         * if (await api.disco.supports(Strophe.NS.MAM, _converse.bare_jid)) {
         *     // The feature is supported
         * } else {
         *     // The feature is not supported
         * }
        supports (feature, jid) {
            return api.disco.features.has(feature, jid);

         * Refresh the features, fields and identities associated with a
         * disco entity by refetching them from the server
         * @method api.disco.refresh
         * @param { string } jid The JID of the entity whose features are refreshed.
         * @returns {promise} A promise which resolves once the features have been refreshed
         * @example
         * await api.disco.refresh('');
        async refresh (jid) {
            if (!jid) {
                throw new TypeError('api.disco.refresh: You need to provide an entity JID');
            await api.waitUntil('discoInitialized');
            let entity = await api.disco.entities.get(jid);
            if (entity) {
                if (!entity.waitUntilFeaturesDiscovered.isPending) {
                    entity.waitUntilFeaturesDiscovered = getOpenPromise()
            } else {
                // Create it if it doesn't exist
                entity = await api.disco.entities.create({ jid }, {'ignore_cache': true});
            return entity.waitUntilFeaturesDiscovered;

         * @deprecated Use {@link api.disco.refresh} instead.
         * @method api.disco.refreshFeatures
        refreshFeatures (jid) {
            return api.refresh(jid);

         * Return all the features associated with a disco entity
         * @method api.disco.getFeatures
         * @param { string } jid The JID of the entity whose features are returned.
         * @returns {promise} A promise which resolves with the returned features
         * @example
         * const features = await api.disco.getFeatures('');
        async getFeatures (jid) {
            if (!jid) {
                throw new TypeError('api.disco.getFeatures: You need to provide an entity JID');
            await api.waitUntil('discoInitialized');
            let entity = await api.disco.entities.get(jid, true);
            entity = await entity.waitUntilFeaturesDiscovered;
            return entity.features;

         * Return all the service discovery extensions fields
         * associated with an entity.
         * See [XEP-0129: Service Discovery Extensions](
         * @method api.disco.getFields
         * @param { string } jid The JID of the entity whose fields are returned.
         * @example
         * const fields = await api.disco.getFields('');
        async getFields (jid) {
            if (!jid) {
                throw new TypeError('api.disco.getFields: You need to provide an entity JID');
            await api.waitUntil('discoInitialized');
            let entity = await api.disco.entities.get(jid, true);
            entity = await entity.waitUntilFeaturesDiscovered;
            return entity.fields;

         * Get the identity (with the given category and type) for a given disco entity.
         * For example, when determining support for PEP (personal eventing protocol), you
         * want to know whether the user's own JID has an identity with
         * `category='pubsub'` and `type='pep'` as explained in this section of
         * XEP-0163:
         * @method api.disco.getIdentity
         * @param { string } The identity category.
         *     In the XML stanza, this is the `category`
         *     attribute of the `<identity>` element.
         *     For example: 'pubsub'
         * @param { string } type The identity type.
         *     In the XML stanza, this is the `type`
         *     attribute of the `<identity>` element.
         *     For example: 'pep'
         * @param { string } jid The JID of the entity which might have the identity
         * @returns {promise} A promise which resolves with a map indicating
         *     whether an identity with a given type is provided by the entity.
         * @example
         * api.disco.getIdentity('pubsub', 'pep', _converse.bare_jid).then(
         *     function (identity) {
         *         if (identity) {
         *             // The entity DOES have this identity
         *         } else {
         *             // The entity DOES NOT have this identity
         *         }
         *     }
         * ).catch(e => log.error(e));
        async getIdentity (category, type, jid) {
            const e = await api.disco.entities.get(jid, true);
            if (e === undefined && !api.connection.connected()) {
                // Happens during tests when disco lookups happen asynchronously after teardown.
                const msg = `Tried to look up category ${category} for ${jid} but _converse.disco_entities has been torn down`;
            return e.getIdentity(category, type);