Converse converse.js

Source: headless/plugins/mam/api.js

import log from '@converse/headless/log';
import sizzle from "sizzle";
import { RSM } from '@converse/headless/shared/rsm';
import { TimeoutError } from '../../shared/errors.js';
import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core";

const { Strophe, $iq, dayjs } = converse.env;
const { NS } = Strophe;
const u = converse.env.utils;

export default {
     * The [XEP-0313]( Message Archive Management API
     * Enables you to query an XMPP server for archived messages.
     * See also the [message-archiving](/docs/html/configuration.html#message-archiving)
     * option in the configuration settings section, which you'll
     * usually want to use in conjunction with this API.
     * @namespace _converse.api.archive
     * @memberOf _converse.api
    archive: {
          * @typedef { module:converse-rsm~RSMQueryParameters } MAMFilterParameters
          * Filter parameters which can be used to filter a MAM XEP-0313 archive
          * @property { String } [end] - A date string in ISO-8601 format, before which messages should be returned. Implies backward paging.
          * @property { String } [start] - A date string in ISO-8601 format, after which messages should be returned. Implies forward paging.
          * @property { String } [with] - A JID against which to match messages, according to either their `to` or `from` attributes.
          *     An item in a MUC archive matches if the publisher of the item matches the JID.
          *     If `with` is omitted, all messages that match the rest of the query will be returned, regardless of to/from
          *     addresses of each message.

          * The options that can be passed in to the {@link _converse.api.archive.query } method
          * @typedef { module:converse-mam~MAMFilterParameters } ArchiveQueryOptions
          * @property { Boolean } [groupchat=false] - Whether the MAM archive is for a groupchat.

          * Query for archived messages.
          * The options parameter can also be an instance of
          * RSM to enable easy querying between results pages.
          * @method _converse.api.archive.query
          * @param { module:converse-mam~ArchiveQueryOptions } options - An object containing query parameters
          * @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the XMPP server responds with an error.
          * @returns { Promise<module:converse-mam~MAMQueryResult> } A promise which resolves
          *     to a {@link module:converse-mam~MAMQueryResult } object.
          * @example
          * // Requesting all archived messages
          * // ================================
          * //
          * // The simplest query that can be made is to simply not pass in any parameters.
          * // Such a query will return all archived messages for the current user.
          * let result;
          * try {
          *     result = await api.archive.query();
          * } catch (e) {
          *     // The query was not successful, perhaps inform the user?
          *     // The IQ stanza returned by the XMPP server is passed in, so that you
          *     // may inspect it and determine what the problem was.
          * }
          * // Do something with the messages, like showing them in your webpage.
          * result.messages.forEach(m => this.showMessage(m));
          * @example
          * // Requesting all archived messages for a particular contact or room
          * // =================================================================
          * //
          * // To query for messages sent between the current user and another user or room,
          * // the query options need to contain the the JID (Jabber ID) of the user or
          * // room under the  `with` key.
          * // For a particular user
          * let result;
          * try {
          *    result = await api.archive.query({'with': ''});
          * } catch (e) {
          *     // The query was not successful
          * }
          * // For a particular room
          * let result;
          * try {
          *    result = await api.archive.query({'with': '', 'groupchat': true});
          * } catch (e) {
          *     // The query was not successful
          * }
          * @example
          * // Requesting all archived messages before or after a certain date
          * // ===============================================================
          * //
          * // The `start` and `end` parameters are used to query for messages
          * // within a certain timeframe. The passed in date values may either be ISO8601
          * // formatted date strings, or JavaScript Date objects.
          *  const options = {
          *      'with': '',
          *      'start': '2010-06-07T00:00:00Z',
          *      'end': '2010-07-07T13:23:54Z'
          *  };
          * let result;
          * try {
          *    result = await api.archive.query(options);
          * } catch (e) {
          *     // The query was not successful
          * }
          * @example
          * // Limiting the amount of messages returned
          * // ========================================
          * //
          * // The amount of returned messages may be limited with the `max` parameter.
          * // By default, the messages are returned from oldest to newest.
          * // Return maximum 10 archived messages
          * let result;
          * try {
          *     result = await api.archive.query({'with': '', 'max':10});
          * } catch (e) {
          *     // The query was not successful
          * }
          * @example
          * // Paging forwards through a set of archived messages
          * // ==================================================
          * //
          * // When limiting the amount of messages returned per query, you might want to
          * // repeatedly make a further query to fetch the next batch of messages.
          * //
          * // To simplify this usecase for you, the callback method receives not only an array
          * // with the returned archived messages, but also a special RSM (*Result Set Management*)
          * // object which contains the query parameters you passed in, as well
          * // as two utility methods `next`, and `previous`.
          * //
          * // When you call one of these utility methods on the returned RSM object, and then
          * // pass the result into a new query, you'll receive the next or previous batch of
          * // archived messages. Please note, when calling these methods, pass in an integer
          * // to limit your results.
          * const options = {'with': '', 'max':10};
          * let result;
          * try {
          *     result = await api.archive.query(options);
          * } catch (e) {
          *     // The query was not successful
          * }
          * // Do something with the messages, like showing them in your webpage.
          * result.messages.forEach(m => this.showMessage(m));
          * while (!result.complete) {
          *     try {
          *         result = await api.archive.query(Object.assign(options,;
          *     } catch (e) {
          *         // The query was not successful
          *     }
          *     // Do something with the messages, like showing them in your webpage.
          *     result.messages.forEach(m => this.showMessage(m));
          * }
          * @example
          * // Paging backwards through a set of archived messages
          * // ===================================================
          * //
          * // To page backwards through the archive, you need to know the UID of the message
          * // which you'd like to page backwards from and then pass that as value for the
          * // `before` parameter. If you simply want to page backwards from the most recent
          * // message, pass in the `before` parameter with an empty string value `''`.
          * let result;
          * const options = {'before': '', 'max':5};
          * try {
          *     result = await api.archive.query(options);
          * } catch (e) {
          *     // The query was not successful
          * }
          * // Do something with the messages, like showing them in your webpage.
          * result.messages.forEach(m => this.showMessage(m));
          * // Now we query again, to get the previous batch.
          * try {
          *      result = await api.archive.query(Object.assign(options, rsm.previous(5).query));
          * } catch (e) {
          *     // The query was not successful
          * }
          * // Do something with the messages, like showing them in your webpage.
          * result.messages.forEach(m => this.showMessage(m));
        async query (options) {
            if (!api.connection.connected()) {
                throw new Error('Can\'t call `api.archive.query` before having established an XMPP session');
            const attrs = {'type':'set'};
            if (options && options.groupchat) {
                if (!options['with']) {
                    throw new Error(
                        'You need to specify a "with" value containing '+
                        'the chat room JID, when querying groupchat messages.');
       = options['with'];

            const jid = || _converse.bare_jid;
            const supported = await api.disco.supports(NS.MAM, jid);
            if (!supported) {
                log.warn(`Did not fetch MAM archive for ${jid} because it doesn't support ${NS.MAM}`);
                return {'messages': []};

            const queryid = u.getUniqueId();
            const stanza = $iq(attrs).c('query', {'xmlns':NS.MAM, 'queryid':queryid});
            if (options) {
                stanza.c('x', {'xmlns':NS.XFORM, 'type': 'submit'})
                        .c('field', {'var':'FORM_TYPE', 'type': 'hidden'})

                if (options['with'] && !options.groupchat) {
                    stanza.c('field', {'var':'with'}).c('value')
                ['start', 'end'].forEach(t => {
                    if (options[t]) {
                        const date = dayjs(options[t]);
                        if (date.isValid()) {
                            stanza.c('field', {'var':t}).c('value').t(date.toISOString()).up().up();
                        } else {
                            throw new TypeError(`archive.query: invalid date provided for: ${t}`);
                const rsm = new RSM(options);
                if (Object.keys(rsm.query).length) {

            const messages = [];
            const message_handler = _converse.connection.addHandler(stanza => {
                const result = sizzle(`message > result[xmlns="${NS.MAM}"]`, stanza).pop();
                if (result === undefined || result.getAttribute('queryid') !== queryid) {
                    return true;
                const from = stanza.getAttribute('from') || _converse.bare_jid;
                if (options.groupchat) {
                    if (from !== options['with']) {
                        log.warn(`Ignoring alleged groupchat MAM message from ${stanza.getAttribute('from')}`);
                        return true;
                } else if (from !== _converse.bare_jid) {
                    log.warn(`Ignoring alleged MAM message from ${stanza.getAttribute('from')}`);
                    return true;
                return true;
            }, NS.MAM);

            let error;
            const timeout = api.settings.get('message_archiving_timeout');
            const iq_result = await api.sendIQ(stanza, timeout, false)
            if (iq_result === null) {
                const { __ } = _converse;
                const err_msg = __("Timeout while trying to fetch archived messages.");
                error = new TimeoutError(err_msg);
                return { messages, error };

            } else if (u.isErrorStanza(iq_result)) {
                const { __ } = _converse;
                const err_msg = __('An error occurred while querying for archived messages.');
                error = new Error(err_msg);
                return { messages, error };

            let rsm;
            const fin = iq_result && sizzle(`fin[xmlns="${NS.MAM}"]`, iq_result).pop();
            const complete = fin?.getAttribute('complete') === 'true'
            const set = sizzle(`set[xmlns="${NS.RSM}"]`, fin).pop();
            if (set) {
                rsm = new RSM({...options, 'xml': set});
             * @typedef { Object } MAMQueryResult
             * @property { Array } messages
             * @property { RSM } [rsm] - An instance of {@link RSM}.
             *  You can call `next()` or `previous()` on this instance,
             *  to get the RSM query parameters for the next or previous
             *  page in the result set.
             * @property { Boolean } complete
             * @property { Error } [error]
            return { messages, rsm, complete };