import './modals/occupant.js';
import './modals/moderator-tools.js';
import log from "@converse/headless/log";
import tplSpinner from 'templates/spinner.js';
import { __ } from 'i18n';
import { _converse, api, converse } from "@converse/headless/core";
import { html } from "lit";
import { setAffiliation } from '@converse/headless/plugins/muc/affiliations/utils.js';
const { Strophe, u } = converse.env;
'admin': 'admin',
'ban': 'outcast',
'member': 'member',
'owner': 'owner',
'revoke': 'none'
'deop': 'participant',
'kick': 'none',
'mute': 'visitor',
'op': 'moderator',
'voice': 'participant'
* Presents a confirmation modal to the user asking them to accept or decline a
* MUC invitation.
* @async
export function confirmDirectMUCInvitation ({ contact, jid, reason }) {
if (!reason) {
return api.confirm(__('%1$s has invited you to join a groupchat: %2$s', contact, jid));
} else {
return api.confirm(
'%1$s has invited you to join a groupchat: %2$s, and left the following reason: "%3$s"',
export function clearHistory (jid) {
if (_converse.router.history.getFragment() === `converse/room?jid=${jid}`) {
export async function destroyMUC (model) {
const messages = [__('Are you sure you want to destroy this groupchat?')];
let fields = [
'name': 'challenge',
'label': __('Please enter the XMPP address of this groupchat to confirm'),
'challenge': model.get('jid'),
'placeholder': __(''),
'required': true
'name': 'reason',
'label': __('Optional reason for destroying this groupchat'),
'placeholder': __('Reason')
'name': 'newjid',
'label': __('Optional XMPP address for a new groupchat that replaces this one'),
'placeholder': __('')
try {
fields = await api.confirm(__('Confirm'), messages, fields);
const reason = fields.filter(f => === 'reason').pop()?.value;
const newjid = fields.filter(f => === 'newjid').pop()?.value;
return model.sendDestroyIQ(reason, newjid).then(() => model.close());
} catch (e) {
export function getNicknameRequiredTemplate (model) {
const jid = model.get('jid');
if (api.settings.get('muc_show_logs_before_join')) {
return html`<converse-muc-chatarea jid="${jid}"></converse-muc-chatarea>`;
} else {
return html`<converse-muc-nickname-form jid="${jid}"></converse-muc-nickname-form>`;
export function getChatRoomBodyTemplate (o) {
const view = o.model.session.get('view');
const jid = o.model.get('jid');
const RS = converse.ROOMSTATUS;
const conn_status = o.model.session.get('connection_status');
if (view === converse.MUC.VIEWS.CONFIG) {
return html`<converse-muc-config-form class="muc-form-container" jid="${jid}"></converse-muc-config-form>`;
} else {
return html`
${ conn_status == RS.PASSWORD_REQUIRED ? html`<converse-muc-password-form class="muc-form-container" jid="${jid}"></converse-muc-password-form>` : '' }
${ conn_status == RS.ENTERED ? html`<converse-muc-chatarea jid="${jid}"></converse-muc-chatarea>` : '' }
${ conn_status == RS.CONNECTING ? tplSpinner() : '' }
${ conn_status == RS.NICKNAME_REQUIRED ? getNicknameRequiredTemplate(o.model) : '' }
${ conn_status == RS.DISCONNECTED ? html`<converse-muc-disconnected jid="${jid}"></converse-muc-disconnected>` : '' }
${ conn_status == RS.BANNED ? html`<converse-muc-disconnected jid="${jid}"></converse-muc-disconnected>` : '' }
${ conn_status == RS.DESTROYED ? html`<converse-muc-destroyed jid="${jid}"></converse-muc-destroyed>` : '' }
export function getAutoCompleteListItem (text, input) {
input = input.trim();
const element = document.createElement('li');
element.setAttribute('aria-selected', 'false');
if (api.settings.get('muc_mention_autocomplete_show_avatar')) {
const img = document.createElement('img');
let dataUri = 'data:' + _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE_TYPE + ';base64,' + _converse.DEFAULT_IMAGE;
if (_converse.vcards) {
const vcard = _converse.vcards.findWhere({ 'nickname': text });
if (vcard) dataUri = 'data:' + vcard.get('image_type') + ';base64,' + vcard.get('image');
img.setAttribute('src', dataUri);
img.setAttribute('width', '22');
img.setAttribute('class', 'avatar avatar-autocomplete');
const regex = new RegExp('(' + input + ')', 'ig');
const parts = input ? text.split(regex) : [text];
parts.forEach(txt => {
if (input && txt.match(regex)) {
const match = document.createElement('mark');
match.textContent = txt;
} else {
return element;
export async function getAutoCompleteList () {
const models = [...(await api.rooms.get()), ...(await api.contacts.get())];
const jids = [ Set( => Strophe.getDomainFromJid(o.get('jid'))))];
return jids;
function setRole (muc, command, args, required_affiliations = [], required_roles = []) {
const role = COMMAND_TO_ROLE[command];
if (!role) {
throw Error(`ChatRoomView#setRole called with invalid command: ${command}`);
if (!muc.verifyAffiliations(required_affiliations) || !muc.verifyRoles(required_roles)) {
return false;
if (!muc.validateRoleOrAffiliationChangeArgs(command, args)) {
return false;
const nick_or_jid = muc.getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs(args);
if (!nick_or_jid) {
return false;
const reason = args.split(nick_or_jid, 2)[1].trim();
// We're guaranteed to have an occupant due to getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs
const occupant = muc.getOccupant(nick_or_jid);
muc.setRole(occupant, role, reason, undefined, e => muc.onCommandError(e));
return true;
function verifyAndSetAffiliation (muc, command, args, required_affiliations) {
const affiliation = COMMAND_TO_AFFILIATION[command];
if (!affiliation) {
throw Error(`verifyAffiliations called with invalid command: ${command}`);
if (!muc.verifyAffiliations(required_affiliations)) {
return false;
if (!muc.validateRoleOrAffiliationChangeArgs(command, args)) {
return false;
const nick_or_jid = muc.getNickOrJIDFromCommandArgs(args);
if (!nick_or_jid) {
return false;
let jid;
const reason = args.split(nick_or_jid, 2)[1].trim();
const occupant = muc.getOccupant(nick_or_jid);
if (occupant) {
jid = occupant.get('jid');
} else {
if (u.isValidJID(nick_or_jid)) {
jid = nick_or_jid;
} else {
const message = __(
"Couldn't find a participant with that nickname. " + 'They might have left the groupchat.'
muc.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' });
const attrs = { jid, reason };
if (occupant && api.settings.get('auto_register_muc_nickname')) {
attrs['nick'] = occupant.get('nick');
setAffiliation(affiliation, muc.get('jid'), [attrs])
.then(() => muc.occupants.fetchMembers())
.catch(err => muc.onCommandError(err));
export function showModeratorToolsModal (muc, affiliation) {
if (!muc.verifyRoles(['moderator'])) {
let modal = api.modal.get('converse-modtools-modal');
if (modal) {
modal.affiliation = affiliation;
} else {
modal = api.modal.create('converse-modtools-modal', { affiliation, 'jid': muc.get('jid') });
export function showOccupantModal (ev, occupant) {'converse-muc-occupant-modal', { 'model': occupant }, ev);
export function parseMessageForMUCCommands (data, handled) {
const model = data.model;
if (handled ||
model.get('type') !== _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE || (
api.settings.get('muc_disable_slash_commands') &&
)) {
return handled;
let text = data.text;
text = text.replace(/^\s*/, '');
const command = (text.match(/^\/([a-zA-Z]*) ?/) || ['']).pop().toLowerCase();
if (!command) {
return false;
const args = text.slice(('/' + command).length + 1).trim();
const allowed_commands = model.getAllowedCommands() ?? [];
if (command === 'admin' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
verifyAndSetAffiliation(model, command, args, ['owner']);
return true;
} else if (command === 'ban' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
verifyAndSetAffiliation(model, command, args, ['admin', 'owner']);
return true;
} else if (command === 'modtools' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
showModeratorToolsModal(model, args);
return true;
} else if (command === 'deop' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
// FIXME: /deop only applies to setting a moderators
// role to "participant" (which only admin/owner can
// do). Moderators can however set non-moderator's role
// to participant (e.g. visitor => participant).
// Currently we don't distinguish between these two
// cases.
setRole(model, command, args, ['admin', 'owner']);
return true;
} else if (command === 'destroy' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
if (!model.verifyAffiliations(['owner'])) {
return true;
destroyMUC(model).catch(e => model.onCommandError(e));
return true;
} else if (command === 'help' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
model.set({ 'show_help_messages': false }, { 'silent': true });
model.set({ 'show_help_messages': true });
return true;
} else if (command === 'kick' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
setRole(model, command, args, [], ['moderator']);
return true;
} else if (command === 'mute' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
setRole(model, command, args, [], ['moderator']);
return true;
} else if (command === 'member' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
verifyAndSetAffiliation(model, command, args, ['admin', 'owner']);
return true;
} else if (command === 'nick' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
if (!model.verifyRoles(['visitor', 'participant', 'moderator'])) {
return true;
} else if (args.length === 0) {
// e.g. Your nickname is "coolguy69"
const message = __('Your nickname is "%1$s"', model.get('nick'));
model.createMessage({ message, 'type': 'error' });
} else {
return true;
} else if (command === 'owner' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
verifyAndSetAffiliation(model, command, args, ['owner']);
return true;
} else if (command === 'op' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
setRole(model, command, args, ['admin', 'owner']);
return true;
} else if (command === 'register' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
if (args.length > 1) {
'message': __('Error: invalid number of arguments'),
'type': 'error'
} else {
model.registerNickname().then(err_msg => {
err_msg && model.createMessage({ 'message': err_msg, 'type': 'error' });
return true;
} else if (command === 'revoke' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
verifyAndSetAffiliation(model, command, args, ['admin', 'owner']);
return true;
} else if (command === 'topic' && allowed_commands.includes(command) ||
command === 'subject' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
return true;
} else if (command === 'voice' && allowed_commands.includes(command)) {
setRole(model, command, args, [], ['moderator']);
return true;
} else {
return false;