Converse converse.js

Source: shared/chat/message-actions.js

import log from '@converse/headless/log.js';
import { CustomElement } from 'shared/components/element.js';
import { __ } from 'i18n';
import { _converse, api, converse } from '@converse/headless/core.js';
import { getAppSettings } from '@converse/headless/shared/settings/utils.js';
import { getMediaURLs } from '@converse/headless/shared/chat/utils.js';
import { html } from 'lit';
import { isMediaURLDomainAllowed, isDomainWhitelisted } from '@converse/headless/utils/url.js';
import { until } from 'lit/directives/until.js';

import './styles/message-actions.scss';

const { Strophe, u } = converse.env;

class MessageActions extends CustomElement {
    static get properties () {
        return {
            is_retracted: { type: Boolean },
            model: { type: Object }

    initialize () {
        const settings = getAppSettings();
        this.listenTo(settings, 'change:allowed_audio_domains', () => this.requestUpdate());
        this.listenTo(settings, 'change:allowed_image_domains', () => this.requestUpdate());
        this.listenTo(settings, 'change:allowed_video_domains', () => this.requestUpdate());
        this.listenTo(settings, 'change:render_media', () => this.requestUpdate());
        this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', () => this.requestUpdate());

    render () {
        return html`${until(this.renderActions(), '')}`;

    async renderActions () {
        // We want to let the message actions menu drop upwards if we're at the
        // bottom of the message history, and down otherwise. This is to avoid
        // the menu disappearing behind the bottom panel (toolbar, textarea etc).
        // That's difficult to know from state, so we're making an approximation here.
        const should_drop_up = this.model.collection.length > 2 && this.model === this.model.collection.last();

        const buttons = await this.getActionButtons();
        const items = => MessageActions.getActionsDropdownItem(b));
        if (items.length) {
            return html`<converse-dropdown
                class="chat-msg__actions ${should_drop_up ? 'dropup dropup--left' : 'dropleft'}"
        } else {
            return '';

    static getActionsDropdownItem (o) {
        return html`
            <button class="chat-msg__action ${o.button_class}" @click=${o.handler}>

    async onMessageEditButtonClicked (ev) {
        const currently_correcting = this.model.collection.findWhere('correcting');
        // TODO: Use state intead of DOM querying
        // Then this code can also be put on the model
        const unsent_text = u.ancestor(this, '.chatbox')?.querySelector('.chat-textarea')?.value;
        if (unsent_text && (!currently_correcting || currently_correcting.getMessageText() !== unsent_text)) {
            const result = await api.confirm(__('You have an unsent message which will be lost if you continue. Are you sure?'));
            if (!result) return;
        if (currently_correcting !== this.model) {
            currently_correcting?.save('correcting', false);
  'correcting', true);
        } else {
  'correcting', false);

    async onDirectMessageRetractButtonClicked () {
        if (this.model.get('sender') !== 'me') {
            return log.error("onMessageRetractButtonClicked called for someone else's message!");
        const retraction_warning = __(
            'Be aware that other XMPP/Jabber clients (and servers) may ' +
                'not yet support retractions and that this message may not ' +
                'be removed everywhere.'
        const messages = [__('Are you sure you want to retract this message?')];
        if (api.settings.get('show_retraction_warning')) {
            messages[1] = retraction_warning;
        const result = await api.confirm(__('Confirm'), messages);
        if (result) {
            const chatbox = this.model.collection.chatbox;

     * Retract someone else's message in this groupchat.
     * @private
     * @param { _converse.Message } message - The message which we're retracting.
     * @param { string } [reason] - The reason for retracting the message.
    async retractOtherMessage (reason) {
        const chatbox = this.model.collection.chatbox;
        const result = await chatbox.retractOtherMessage(this.model, reason);
        if (result === null) {
            const err_msg = __(`A timeout occurred while trying to retract the message`);
            api.alert('error', __('Error'), err_msg);
            log(err_msg, Strophe.LogLevel.WARN);
        } else if (u.isErrorStanza(result)) {
            const err_msg = __(`Sorry, you're not allowed to retract this message.`);
            api.alert('error', __('Error'), err_msg);
            log(err_msg, Strophe.LogLevel.WARN);
            log(result, Strophe.LogLevel.WARN);

    async onMUCMessageRetractButtonClicked () {
        const retraction_warning = __(
            'Be aware that other XMPP/Jabber clients (and servers) may ' +
                'not yet support retractions and that this message may not ' +
                'be removed everywhere.'

        if (this.model.mayBeRetracted()) {
            const messages = [__('Are you sure you want to retract this message?')];
            if (api.settings.get('show_retraction_warning')) {
                messages[1] = retraction_warning;
            if (await api.confirm(__('Confirm'), messages)) {
                const chatbox = this.model.collection.chatbox;
        } else if (await this.model.mayBeModerated()) {
            if (this.model.get('sender') === 'me') {
                let messages = [__('Are you sure you want to retract this message?')];
                if (api.settings.get('show_retraction_warning')) {
                    messages = [messages[0], retraction_warning, messages[1]];
                !!(await api.confirm(__('Confirm'), messages)) && this.retractOtherMessage();
            } else {
                let messages = [
                    __('You are about to retract this message.'),
                    __('You may optionally include a message, explaining the reason for the retraction.'),
                if (api.settings.get('show_retraction_warning')) {
                    messages = [messages[0], retraction_warning, messages[1]];
                const reason = await api.prompt(__('Message Retraction'), messages, __('Optional reason'));
                reason !== false && this.retractOtherMessage(reason);
        } else {
            const err_msg = __(`Sorry, you're not allowed to retract this message`);
            api.alert('error', __('Error'), err_msg);

    onMessageRetractButtonClicked (ev) {
        const chatbox = this.model.collection.chatbox;
        if (chatbox.get('type') === _converse.CHATROOMS_TYPE) {
        } else {

    onMediaToggleClicked (ev) {

        if (this.hasHiddenMedia(this.getMediaURLs())) {
                'hide_url_previews': false,
                'url_preview_transition': 'fade-in',
        } else {
            const ogp_metadata = this.model.get('ogp_metadata') || [];
            if (ogp_metadata.length) {
                this.model.set('url_preview_transition', 'fade-out');
            } else {
                    'hide_url_previews': true,
                    'url_preview_transition': 'fade-in',

     * Check whether media is hidden or shown, which is used to determine the toggle text.
     * If `render_media` is an array, check if there are media URLs outside
     * of that array, in which case we consider message media on the whole to be hidden (since
     * those excluded by the whitelist will be, even if the render_media whitelisted URLs are shown).
     * @param { Array<String> } media_urls
     * @returns { Boolean }
    hasHiddenMedia (media_urls) {
        if (typeof this.model.get('hide_url_previews') === 'boolean') {
            return this.model.get('hide_url_previews');
        const render_media = api.settings.get('render_media');
        if (Array.isArray(render_media)) {
            return media_urls.reduce((acc, url) => acc || !isDomainWhitelisted(render_media, url), false);
        } else {
            return !render_media;

    getMediaURLs () {
        const unfurls_to_show = (this.model.get('ogp_metadata') || [])
            .map(o => ({ 'url': o['og:image'], 'is_image': true }))
            .filter(o => isMediaURLDomainAllowed(o));

        const media_urls = getMediaURLs(this.model.get('media_urls') || [], this.model.get('body'))
            .filter(o => isMediaURLDomainAllowed(o));

        return [ Set([ => o.url), => o.url)])];

     * Adds a media rendering toggle to this message's action buttons if necessary.
     * The toggle is only added if the message contains media URLs and if the
     * user is allowed to show or hide media for those URLs.
     * Whether a user is allowed to show or hide domains depends on the config settings:
     * * allowed_audio_domains
     * * allowed_video_domains
     * * allowed_image_domains
     * Whether media is currently shown or hidden is determined by the { @link hasHiddenMedia } method.
     * @param { Array<MessageActionAttributes> } buttons - An array of objects representing action buttons
    addMediaRenderingToggle (buttons) {
        const urls = this.getMediaURLs();
        if (urls.length) {
            const hidden = this.hasHiddenMedia(urls);
                'i18n_text': hidden ? __('Show media') : __('Hide media'),
                'handler': ev => this.onMediaToggleClicked(ev),
                'button_class': 'chat-msg__action-hide-previews',
                'icon_class': hidden ? 'fas fa-eye' : 'fas fa-eye-slash',
                'name': 'hide',

    async getActionButtons () {
        const buttons = [];
        if (this.model.get('editable')) {
             * @typedef { Object } MessageActionAttributes
             * An object which represents a message action (as shown in the message dropdown);
             * @property { String } i18n_text
             * @property { Function } handler
             * @property { String } button_class
             * @property { String } icon_class
             * @property { String } name
                'i18n_text': this.model.get('correcting') ? __('Cancel Editing') : __('Edit'),
                'handler': ev => this.onMessageEditButtonClicked(ev),
                'button_class': 'chat-msg__action-edit',
                'icon_class': 'fa fa-pencil-alt',
                'name': 'edit',

        const may_be_moderated = ['groupchat', 'mep'].includes(this.model.get('type')) &&
            (await this.model.mayBeModerated());
        const retractable = !this.is_retracted && (this.model.mayBeRetracted() || may_be_moderated);
        if (retractable) {
                'i18n_text': __('Retract'),
                'handler': ev => this.onMessageRetractButtonClicked(ev),
                'button_class': 'chat-msg__action-retract',
                'icon_class': 'fas fa-trash-alt',
                'name': 'retract',

        if (!this.model.collection) {
            // While we were awaiting, this model got removed from the
            // collection (happens during tests)
            return [];


         * *Hook* which allows plugins to add more message action buttons
         * @event _converse#getMessageActionButtons
         * @example
         *  api.listen.on('getMessageActionButtons', (el, buttons) => {
         *      buttons.push({
         *          'i18n_text': 'Foo',
         *          'handler': ev => alert('Foo!'),
         *          'button_class': 'chat-msg__action-foo',
         *          'icon_class': 'fa fa-check',
         *          'name': 'foo'
         *      });
         *      return buttons;
         *  });
        return api.hook('getMessageActionButtons', this, buttons);

api.elements.define('converse-message-actions', MessageActions);